Be optimistic, express gratitude.

Outlook is the way you view your world. A positive attitude shapes your choices and how you interact with others.

View the world intentionally.

What you see depends on how you see.

View the world intentionally.

What you see depends on how you see.

Your outlook colors your perspective on life and influences how you view the world. It also affects the amount of hope and joy you experience. Your attitude informs what you think of yourself, your job, your home, your friends – everything. In all areas of life, having a positive outlook is a great asset, while having a negative outlook creates difficulties.

Research also indicates that your outlook influences your health. It can even impact the progression of disease.

When you intentionally focus on what is good in your life, you not only improve the quality of your life experience but may literally improve your physical health as well.

Every moment on the bright side of life is worth savoring. Indulge in the simple joys and subtle surprises revealed in each ordinary day. When trouble comes, choose to react with patience. Decide to address problems for what they are, without making them bigger than they are. You will find yourself stronger and better prepared to face life’s challenges.

Give yourself the gift of seeing the world in a new light.

Choose a positive outlook.

Choose a positive outlook.

Give yourself the gift of seeing the world in a new light.

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